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Wichita SSDI Attorney
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Wichita Social Security Disability Lawyer

Have you or a loved one applied for social security benefits but were wrongfully denied SSDI?

Every day Americans work hard to provide for their families. American workers pay in to the Social Security system so that people that have been injured or are unable to work are able to receive benefits to assist in their basic needs. It is unfair when good, hard working Americans pay into the Social Security Disability Insurance system but then are denied benefits that they are entitled to.

The truth is that it happens to thousands of working Americans every single month. The system is not always fair and that is why attorneys like David Nelson represent Kansas workers or unemployed individuals that deserve SSDI fight for their legal right to be compensated by Social Security.

How Does Social Security Work?

Social Security is federal government program designed around the concept that while an individual is working you are paying taxes in to a system very similar to insurance. If or when you are disabled or retire; you, your spouse and your dependent children are to receive monthly benefit checks that are based on your reported earnings. Many people do not realize that their surviving family members may also collect benefits in the event of your death.

However, there are some restrictions on whether or not someone is eligible to receive social security benefits. Eligibility is determined on various factors such as certain work requirements. The money that an individual is taxed and added to the Social Security system is not placed into a your own account as many people believe. Instead, your contributions are collected and placed in to an entity much like a trust for everyone. This general fund is the source for all of the Social Security pay outs.

If you or a loved one feel that you have been wrongly denied Social Security benefits, call Mr. Nelson for a free consultation today.

Free Consultation With a Wichita SSDI Lawyer

Mr. Nelson has been a practicing attorney here in Wichita for over 30 years. Call for a free initial consultation and evaluation with attorney David Nelson.

Call (316) 267-1300 today for a an appointment today.


David Nelson, Attorney at Law
262 North Waco
Wichita, KS 67202
Tel: (316) 267-1300
Fax: (316) 264-6190


David Nelson
Attorney at Law
262 North Waco
Wichita, KS 67202

Tel: (316) 267-1300
Fax: (316) 264-6190

David Nelson, Attorney at Law - 262 North Waco, Wichita, KS 67202 - Tel: (316) 267-1300

David Nelson is licensed in the state of Kansas to practice law and assists clients in the greater Wichita, Kansas area with legal issues related to Auto Accidents, Bankruptcy, Business Law, Business Contracts, Criminal Defense, Family Law, Social Security Disability and Workers Compensation.